The Sun Company

Brand Development & Web Development & Google Ads

The brief

The Sun Company is a solar company that we are proud to say that we are the official marketing partner for the entire brand. This meant that we had full control over all the creative aspects.

First thing we had to figure out is to design a solar company logo that would not only look great, but also look more professional than the standard walk of the mill stereotype solar logo.

Once we had the brand identity in place, we created a one page website, as we are now testing different marketing tactics to see where we can maximize our own ROI in the residential solar industry.

Upon Project Completion:

Bringing affordable residential solar to North West

The main thing we took away from this project, is just how important a good logo actually is. Once you have a really good logo, building all the brand elements like vehicle signage and a website comes very easy.

We will continually update this page with our marketing ROI as this experiment is one project that is close to our heart, as it hits the sweet spot of technology, making the planet a bit greener and just looks cool.

Let's grow your company today

Get in touch with us to setup a short digital marketing consulting.