New Era Hospital

Web Development

The brief

New Era Health is a day hospital based in Cape Town that needed a website to match their new corporate image. Their old website was setup by their previous marketing team, but not by a professional website developer. This lead to a terribly designed website with very poor layouts, bad designs and broken pages.

We started this project by first auditing their old website, to see how we can save the most of the SEO ranking by preserving old sitelinks and structure.

After this was done, we scraped the most relevant content from their pages, and rewrote it better with our copywriting skills. We then rebuilt the website with a premium WordPress theme, which is way more in line with their sought after corporate brand image.

Upon Project Completion:

Improving health for all with New Era Health

The main concept we aimed for was “The future of Healthcare”. New Era Health Day Hospital wanted their old website redesigned to match their new outlook on technology and embrace the digital world we now live in.
I believe we accomplished not only their goals, but also truly exceeded their expectations. Their new website now features a deep blue to convey trust in the hospital, while still keeping the dark rose gold brown color they found their first identity in.

We wish them well in their new ventures and hope to work with them on other projects again in the near future.

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